Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Reagan turns 6 and our Birthday Bash

So, obviously I am way behind in posting the events that have been going on in our household. We have been very busy and I feel like we haven't had a free weekend in a long time. Lets see if I can catch everyone up....

On January 21, Reagan turned 6 years old. She is so big now and is such a girly girl. She is reading amazingly and loves school. She is doing very well in school and loves every minute of it. She is taking dance lessons and is about to start soccer in the next couple of weeks. She still loves to wear dresses all the time but has been coming around on blue jeans- mainly because I let all her dresses pile up to be ironed so she couldn't wear them. It's not that I don't want her to wear the dresses, i just don't want to have to fight her to wear jeans.

Reagan's big present this year from Chuck and I was to get her ears pierced. She had been talking about getting them done and she decided that she was ready to try and do it. She was extremely worried about how much it was going to hurt and I was very honest with her when she would ask. So, we set out to Claires to get them pierced. We had the whole family (including Laney) and as we were walking down the mall you would have thought it was a death walk. Reagan was taking tiny steps and wouldn't look up from the ground. I kept asking her over and over if she was sure she wanted to do this and she kept telling me that she did so we kept walking. Once we got there the girls working confirmed that they could pierce both ears at one time so we began making our earring selection. She got to pick which ones she wanted and then the tears started. The second they made her get up in the chair she started crying. She cried the whole time the girl was cleaning and marking her ears. Chuck was wiping her tears and we were all trying to calm her down since they were only cleaning her ears at this point. She was so scared and before they actually pierced we asked if she could sit in Chuck's lap to try and make her feel better. She climbed in his lap and the piercing began. It was over very fast and once she got a sucker from the salesgirl she was completely fine. Her ears have done very well and she loves her new earrings.

This year we decided to have the kids a combined party at a place here called Jumpin Jungle. It is an awesome place to have a party. When you book a party you get your very own private room filled with all different kinds of moonwalks. There is huge slides, small slides, obstacle courses and regular jumping houses. You also get a party room with tables and all the fixings for your cake and food. They provide all the paper products and you just bring the cake and ice cream. Along with all of this you get a party hostess that is with you the whole time and serves all the food and writes down all your presents. It was amazing. We showed up and had a blast and then we got to leave and they cleaned everything up. I would recommend this to everyone. We invited all of Reagan's class at school and added a few more from daycare that she wanted to come. For Landon I went through his class list and invited several of the kids that he is close to. We had a wonderful turn out. There was 22 kids that came and they all had a ton of fun. We jumped and slid and jumped and slid until we couldn't do it anymore. The kids were covered in sweat and loved every minute of it. After we played, we went and had cake and ice cream for both kids. We sang to Landon first and let him blow out his candles and then we sang to Reagan and let her blow her candles out. Presents of course came next. Chuck helped Reagan open her presents while I helped Landon with his. There was a couple of times when I was helping Landon that I seriously thought I was going to get attacked by all the kids surrounding us. As I am sure you all know the longer you open gifts the closer the kids get to the presents. Kids were everywhere but it was a ton of fun.

It is so hard to think that Reagan is six and in just a few months will be done with her first year of school. She is such a sweet but sassy little girl. She plays well with her little brother and is very loving. We can't wait to see how she will grow this next year and what new things she will accomplish. We love our little doodlebug!!!

Here are some pictures of Reagan's birthday morning and night. The party was the Saturday after her birthday.

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Here are our party pics. Be prepared there is a ton of them.

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Chuck and I also have birthdays that fall right after our kids birthdays. Chuck turned 32 on the 26th of January and I turned 31 on Valentines Day. We don't tend to celebrate very big for our special days since we have just had 2 other birthdays to attend to . However, I just thought i would brag on my husband a little. He always seems to make my birthday a special day for me even though it is also a holiday for everyone else. This year we went out to eat with some great friends we have made here and then I was surprised with several gifts and a dozen tulips- pink and purple. They were beautiful. He always goes out of his way to make sure my day is as special as it can be.

It is amazing to see how much our kids grow and learn each and every year. We are truly blessed that they are great kids and that they love each other very much. We can't wait to see how they grow and change in the coming year.