Sunday, July 18, 2010

Reagan's field day and Kindergarten ends!

So, obviously I haven't blogged in a really long time. I am going to try and catch up with some of the more important happenings in our house. Reagan has finished her first year of school. It went by so fast and she loved every minute of it. She wan't sure she wanted school to end. She was sad to tell her teacher and all her friends goodbye. Before school ended she had her first field day. It wasn't at all what I remembered field days being like. They had different stations set up and the kids just ran from one to the other doing whatever they felt like doing. I have been assured by other parents that it gets better as they get older and they can actually compete in different things. Either way the kids had fun and got out of their classrooms to play so they were happy.

On the last day school, Reagan's class a little graduation celebration in their classroom. They all got little diplomas from Mrs. Rozas and then had lots of refreshments. Reagan had a great Kindergarten year. She did excellent in all her areas they are graded in. She ended the school year reading on the level that they are expected to start second grade reading on. We were told that next year she will most likely walk to second grade to read. We couldn't be more proud of her and how she handled Kindergarten. It is hard to believe in just a few short weeks she will start First grade.

Field Day pics:
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Kindergarten Graduation pics: